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Study with me in English

  • Sometimes when I describe the practice we are about to do, I feel like the words miss out on the absolute saliva-increasing, easeful and delightful experience we can have when the brain relaxes.

    In this online movement series we will use slow repetitive movement sessions to help, over time, develop a greater accuracy of our sensory systems.

    When we perceive with greater accuracy the brain relaxes and sends a hormonal cocktail that either down-regulates or up-regulates depending on what is needed.

    Our bodies are a deep and beautiful complex network of patterns and relationships. Some of these relationships are based on previous or current stressors and can have a greater impact on our lives than we would want them to. One way to access them is to both work with, and below, the nervous system.

    We can access deep levels of programming through landing and localizing the body, by tracking the relationships between the moving parts of ourselves. It’s a simple but deeply poetic practice.

    This series is for those of you who have a somatic movement practice and want to add another layer of steadiness, who are ready to let new motorpatterns come through and un-stick and re-bind to create a more coherent body-world experience. These sessions contain no yoga postures. We use continuous rhythm, so even through the movement patterns are simple, we keep going and let the nervous system surf the wave. We move through all the dimensional planes yet the practice is mostly floor-work to start.

    We will not practice yoga asana together although there will be integration through a few yoga poses and somatic explorations in every class.


    When you purchase this product you gain direct access to the course.

    You have 6 month access to the course materials after purchase.

  • Stating autumn 2024 we will spend 300 hours exploring body, mind, spirit, world in 3 modules, OUTER - MIDDLE - INNER. Course details will be up on this sit towards the end of March, stay tuned.

  • A 3 workshop-series: recognition practices for the in-depth, curious yoga & movement practitioner.

    Life force, sex, courage & self esteem are brought in through explorative movement, reflection and yoga. It will be a journey presencing liver, kidneys, gallbladder, hips and legs.

    Join online or come to class at my studio in Alingsås, Sweden. We meet via Zoom and recordings will be available for 6 month after purchase.


    MAY 6th-8th
