Embodying the tantric rasas through meditation, philosophy, movement and musings.
What is the primary taste of your life? Sweetness, bitterness, playfulness?
Contemporary yoga (as many more "traditional" forms) has had a preference for peace and equanimity, along with bliss. But tantric traditions speak of consciousness and energy (aka Śiva and Śakti) as great artists, who create and imbue the world, with all its flavors. Great joy and satisfaction (ānanda) is said to arise from their tasting of all the flavors (rasa) of reality, just as we as individuals enjoy the full palette of a well made dish or the different characters in a theatre drama.
As long-time practitioners,we know the magic of practice. Through the years we have visited the heights and the depths, experienced the ecstasy and the rapture, ventured through the doubts, the deconstruction, and the awakening of new curiosity and creativity.
We know that what makes the difference is not the intense trainings, the far-way-from-home retreats or the abrupt break-throughs (although we adore all those things), but the daily practice. The willingness to show up and taste what is here. Right now.
We believe in slowing down. In taking our time to marinate in the techniques and the teachings. In chewing on wisdom (as our beloved teacher Sally Kempton used to say) until it releases its sweet flavors in our mouths.
We believe in integration before adding more information. In embodying knowledge before sharing it.
We will meet once a week within the framework of the nine tantric rasas (flavors), to explore the full palette of embodiment. As a participant in the training you can expect:
* In depth tantric philosophy
* Somatic movement and asana
* Meditation
* Mantra
* Mudra
* Sharing and conversations in community
The 9 rasas:
Shringara - Love, beauty, devotion
Hasya - Joy, humor
Adbhuta - Wonder, curiosity, mystery, interest, surprise
Shanta - peace, calm, relaxation
Raudra - anger, rage, irritation, stress
Vira - courage, confidence, pride
Karuna - sadness, sympathy, compassion
Bhayanaka - fear, anxiety, worry
Vibhatsa - disgust, depression, self pity. Also including the “western” emotions of contempt & shame.
September: 11, 18, 25
October: 2, 9, 16, 23
November: 6, 13, 20
December: 4
We are online-live with you 10:00-11:30 CET (our intro and outro sessions are 2H long, alla other classes are 90 min.)
Recordings can be watched a few hours after class and will remain accasible until the end of January 2025.
Online course will not be reimbursed after purchase.
Anja Bergh
Anja is a somatid movement educator, a certified Embodied Flow Yoga teacher and the founder of the yoga school Somatic Fusion Yoga.
She has studied tantric philosophy since the early 2000’s and is happy to teach embodiment practices that make the tantric teachings available to experience, perhaps :)
Tova Olsson
Tova Olsson is a scholar of religion, author and yoga teacher with over 20 years of experience in educating. She is appreciated for her deep knowledge, her ability to explain esoteric ideas and philosophical concepts in an accessible way, for her skillful storytelling and humorous approach. She holds a MA in Religious Studies and is currently working on her PhD, researching the construction of gender in contemporary tantra in Europe. She is the author of "Yoga and Tantra: history, philosophy and mythology", published by Motilal Banarsidass and runs the online school Saraswati-Studies.